November 24, 2004

Where in the world is Carol Ann Sandiego?

I'm rapidly approaching being 3 blogs ahead of you. I'm going to have to write something political again to get you fired up. Perhaps we should right a commentary on what happened to those Wisconsin hunters? Sheesh, if ever there was a testimonial for stricter gun control laws! What a bunch of douchebags! HA! Or...Did you see Anna Nicole Smith on the AMA's? SNL did a great sketch about "The American Trainwreck" awards. Tina Fey is funny as hell. What about how they are thinking about doing away with Accutane because of the destructive nature of it's side effects? Well, most could probably give a *ish about that, but I actually take that pill so I'm taking a notice to it. Man I haven't felt this crazy since I put meat tenderizer by accident into my fam's pasta salad.
On well, tomorrow I'm on the road again like Willie Nelson. Seafish is growing angry with me, I've promised her (my car for those outta the loop) oil for the 2nd time without paydirt. Hopefully (fingers crossed) my brother will come back with me so I won't have to make the journey again by my lonesome.
Happy Thanksgiving All

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