November 1, 2004

Halloween Sux!

Man, Halloween used to be my favorite holiday. It meant scary movies, cold wind, falling leaves, and getting sick from Candy. Over time (college), it just got better. Add the earlier meanings plus beer, depravity, and sacrificing comfort for "cool". Post college a different story-it means women in lingerie with animal ears, naughty school girls, and older people that have stayed waaaay too long at the party.
Last year, I vowed to have a real costume. So I was a wizard. It was a gorgeous outfit for an elementary school teacher. Even the most astute Harry Potter Fan would've been impressed. When I got to "the club" I felt like the school girl with the wedgie at the public pool.
This years resolutions were different. Buy EARLY. Look HOT. BE the character. If only I woulda listened to myself. To make long story short-I spent 2 hours in Party City. Ended up with HUGE BIRD WINGS..*hey don't be down on them..they were pretty and I was desperate. Not to mention the social anxiety disorder that develops when you are around other desperate people. * I did NOT look hot. I resembled a crow or night vulture of some sort. My makeup melted in the heat of the club. My hair was a huge immobile thing due to heavy concentrations of hair paint spray. The more I touched it to "fix" it the worse it got. By the way, friends only tell you "it looks alright" when it looks like a piece o crap. They wanna look better than you anyway. True friends laugh at the pitiful hair gel monster you've become. As for being "Dark Angel"--how bout "Drunk Angel". A lady tried to pull my wings off. And lets just say there was a greeting with someone that went horribly wrong. Sometimes a kiss on the cheek to say hello is NOT THE RIGHT introduction. Loyal me for the skinny.
Next year I'm being myself. Eating candy and watching scary movies.

1 comment:

Carol Ann said...

You must have pictures of this debacle. I was totally unHOT this halloween (as if that were even possible, but anyway) as I was dressed as a mutanized fungus with an aptitude for pulling up turnips at a high rate of speed (re: Toad from Super Mario Bros.). Not hot. But I did break it down, break it downtown like a solid gold dancer.