November 17, 2004

When the pawn.....

No Make-up NO Magic...
This morning I got up at 6:30. God knows I shoulda been up at 6. It's like even though I know I need at least an hour and a critical half to get ready for work I can't resist playing that danger card every day. I mean I really COULD get to work at 8 vs. 8:05 or say 8:15 but then my employers would come to expect it and we wouldn't want that would we? It's gotten so now I consider myself early when I'm actually just ON TIME.

So after shambling around, it's time for the next key decision. Do I wanna look foxy or just decent? I'm not really sure at this point why I should even wear clothes at all seeing as how no one really sees me except E, my co-designer. Everyone here (work) is married or too old to even consider as someone to impress. *Let me clarify - as someone to impress aesthically not professionally.

My IMAC is sexy though. I have the hottest computer in the whole building. Eat your heart out P.C. devotees. My IPOD is even sexier. I actually grew annoyed last week that someone wanted to go walking with me on my lunch break. Just simply because then I could not be alone with my IPOD. How dare them?

I digress. I decide I look decent today which means I grab the huge parachute-like dress outfit which is just well..too big. It doesn't compliment or accentuate anything - it's just comfy. You know the type that says I'm just "okay".

When I actually role in at 8:13 (my latest to date barring a doctor's apt.) I realize that I am only decent because I normally at least get a generic "nice coat" compliment. Today I gets nones.

Controversy erupts from one of our conference rooms because; now get ready for this, gasp: Someone has eaten 3 of the sandwiches meant for vendors (aka new clients or old important ones). HR sets out looking for the criminal so they can take them to the town center and shackle them in irons. I'm sad because the villain gets away with it and I'm not able to throw any old lettuce.

My brother calls me and work and says in his low drone "What'r u dooin?" Doing actually sounds more like "dune" seeing as how he is: A. from the country and B. half asleep. I think, "Gee seeing as how it's 2 o'clock and a Wednesday, I am AT WORK" . But really, does it matter if you're at work anymore with phone calls and family?

Marcia calls me for IT consultation sometime later. Her IT made up of a series of P.C. gurus who know how to help the systems as a whole, but have no concept of how to help with MAC based design programs. I'm not bashing the P.C., but it's starting to be like English as a second language. I can cross over. Technicians need to make the cross to. At least if they want their newspapers to look any sorta decent.

It's nearing the end of the work day now and I'm listening to some music I borrowed a few weeks ago and half to give's that Fiona Apple cd.. with the long title that starts..when the pawn blah.. blah.. blah....

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