Yesterday, I went to an art exhibition at the ODU student gallery. In my noblest of hearts, I went to "hear" the speaker, a graphic designer for Emigre speak on..(drum roll please)..FONTs and design. The evil Nicole Kensington (my alter ego), was there to EAT, look at things that broke ass Leslie could spend money on, and socialize.
It was a bust, because me and artistic co-conspirators Marcia and Shei were nearly 30 minutes late. Upon entering, we managed to rudely interrupt entire event by loudly arguing why I chose a backpack versus a purse. The speaker had no audio and vision of screen (which coincidentally was a POWERPOINT presentation..gack) was blocked by hanging fixtures.
I digress, this was a recon mission to view the enemy, graphic design class of 2005-2009. You know the ones coming for my (your) job. Me version 2.0. Suprisingly me 2.0 has not changed one bit since I graduated. They ate the free food, snatched up brochures, recruited a stooly to take notes and left for the food court. The only ones listening were as usual: the faculty, the elders, and the homeless man who came in to eat cheese.
We followed the opening by heading to the ODU gallery, in which I guilted myself for visiting AFTER GRADUATING ODU.
Here I was greeted by a medly of familiar faces, to my suprise NOT many New ones. All the people working, were people that were "seniors" when I was a senior.
My curiousity peaked I asked one super senior senior, "So do YOU work?"
Answer: "Nope, I will die happily in debt, in college."
I guess I don't have to worry about her coming for my job.
The owner of the comic store I patron, asked me what I did today. I said I'm a graphic designer. He smiled and gave me to blank white sheets of paper.
"It's no graphic design, but you could win some some free comics. Draw whatever you want. If our judges like you win."
I realized today, that I am an adult. I have responsibilities to myself, to the government, and to others. I have commitments and time crunches and bills. Burr...I need a tylenol.
I guess I'm lucky that I never fit in with the English department types. You know, that scary guy that Natalie Crane let get to 3rd base who was like 30 and wore blazers with friggin patches on the elbows not in an ironic way? Though sometimes ambling about campus with Louis or Courtney Kelley (and if lucky, John Dillion) gave me tiny shreds of English Department Credibility. I just didn't like hanging out with teachers. Hang out with them in class!
I remember Courtney Kelley, John Dillion, and Louis. I had an English minor you know? Although i always felt like the English department had a way of pushing you out, whereas the art department has a way of dangling carrots for you to come back.
Yes, I own you, woman. And just to let you know, my word verification for posting this is: FFUKGQJW. Which probably means FFUk GQ Jews. Hahahhaha. Horrible joke. And I was just rereading MAUS too.
I think anonymous hangs out with my alter ego Nicole Kensington. They were last seen being decadent at a Mardi Gras themed wine tasting indulging on Pinot Grigio.
my word verification says
Translations alls well on the hill?
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