October 12, 2005

Blah blah life. Blah

Ok, so today I spent about 2 or 3 hours reading the Laguna Beach forum at TWOP. I sometimes have major downtime at work.... anyways, I have noticed that I watch shows with a different mindset after reading the forums and/or the recaps. Is that because I can't think for myself? Maybe.

Laguna Beach is on right now, the episode where Kristin and her robot Alex are having a fiesta. The first time I watched the episode, I was kind of embarassed for robot Alex when she came out with her stupid mo roccas and her dumb call of "Its a fiesta! Woo!" Really? What tipped you off? For me, it was the banner that said "Fiesta" and the pinata. Anywho, this time around, I was glad that the kids exchanged bitch-faced looks like "Oh god, she is a loooser! If it weren't for Kristin, we would never be at this chick's house. That is totally something that a kid in the valley or the other parts of Orange County would do. She so doesn't belong here." Then Kristin tried to help her robot out by yelling "Yeah!" but totally waited like a whole minute so robot Alex could soak in her nerdiness in the complete silence that followed her crazy outburst. Ok, so obviously, this joy at her akwardness was prompted by my annoyance at her remarks about Casey's dress in the last episode. I couldn't remember exactly what geographical location she was dissing, so maybe I pulled a little from "Clueless." What. Ever.

This weekend, I went to the movies. Because they are so expensive, I have to pick and choose movies that look good (or movies that star dudes that look good anyway). So of course, the movie Waiting was a must-see, no two ways about it. Points to Bax for going along knowing that I would be drooling over Ryan Reynolds all night. Predictably, the movie had just a sliver of a plot for those who need something to hold onto for 93 minutes. Not me, I can just hold on to RR. But following in the footsteps of other movies that were great in spite of little or no plot, like Dazed and Confused ,the movie has secured a place in my... place where you keep dvds. Bookshelf?

In the credits, somebody important, I guess Rob McKittrick, said that Dazed and Confused was an influence on the movie. I wonder if that is why the "new guy" in the movie (who I was pleased to see was Sam from Freaks & Geeks) was named Mitch. Maybe. But does it really matter? There was an all-star cast, including Ryan Reynolds, Dane Cook, Luis Guzman, the guy from Boston Public/House (whose character pronounced the word "first" as "foist" throughout the whole movie. Fun!), Justin Long (love!) and that blond chick from Not Another Scary Movie (I think). Good times. Nobody was annoying, even the hostess chick.

Since I suck at movie reviewing, I will just tell you that it is gross, funny, nasty, a little scary, and it will make you think twice about complaining about your food or service, or anything. I might be able to think of something interesting to say, except the TV IS BLARING IN HERE AND I CAN'T USE MY BRAIN.



Carol Ann said...

Wait a minute. You get to watch TV at work? My brain just melted at the prospect of watching Laguna Beach at work. That would be the optimum work environment. Being productive (pff) AND soaking in all that Jason/Cedric homoeroticism? It's a winning combo.

In reference to Alex being all awkward about her fiesta...I read somewhere that the producers prompt the kids or set them up to interact with eachother and sometimes they have to "re-have" conversations that they've already had, which is why sometimes they're laughing when discussing a seemingly serious topic, because they feel like douchebags, which they should, cause they pretty much all are. Except for Taylor. She's alright in my book cause that one time she accused Talan of rathering to go out with a whore (Kristen, who, by the by, is dating Brody Jenner, who is really dumb but really hot).

Rob McKittrick=Director of Waiting. I only know this cause there was some publicity surrounding his blog & how he posted footage of him & Luis Guzman getting into an on-set fight and Luis cursing him out. But then it turns out the whole damn thing was just a publicity stunt. Which I was glad of, cause I was sort of dissappointed in Luis Guzman for a minute. He'll always be Pumpkin Escobar to me. Or was that Tracy Morgan's character? Who cares.

Stephen & LC 4ever!

Leslie said...

Your blogs are like wine Hench. We must wait forever for you to blog, but when it happens..it's like a nice merlot.

(Sorry for cheesy comment - me and Gardler are on an imitation kick..yesterday southern babtists, today refined english peoples.)

I wanted to see that movie to. But only to see Ryan Reynolds. It's an added bonus that the movie will actually be good.

Sadly, I'll also be tagging along to see mindless Underworld 2 - only to watch Scott Speedsman chase after Kate Beckinsuck for 2 hours.

Hench said...

No, no I only get to read about tv at work. There are a lucky few here that have tv in their office, because there may some day be some breaking tax news that they need to be aware of.

Re: LB, I kind of like Taylor, too. She is non-offensive. Who is Brody Jenner? And have you noticed the producers are making the kids wear Laguna Beach hats and sweatshirts, etc.? Do they sell those bitches somewhere or somethin? Morgan and crabs 4ever!

Pumpkin Escobar was Tracy Morgan. Was that in Jay and Silent Bob? To me, Luis will always be that damn rat Pachanga in Carlito's Way. Ah, but I still like him.

Thanks, Leslie! When I first read your comment, I thought you said "whine" not "wine." I got offended for a quick sec. I don't know anything about wine, is merlot tasty or no? What would you have said as yesterday's Southern Baptist character?

Carol Ann said...

Brody Jenner is one of the kids of Bruce Jenner (former Olympic runner or something) and some lady who was once Elvis' girlfriend. He & his brother were the so-called "princes" in the 2-episode Fox summer reality series "The Princes of Malibu". It was really gay.

I thought Alex H. was the one with the crabs?

I believe that if this were yesterday, Leslie would have said, "In Jesus Name, Thanks be to Gawd that Sister Stephanie has blessed us with her presence!"

I think Merlot is a red wine, in which case it tastes like deep-fried ass. I'm not very sophisticated. Gimme Arbor Mist or give me death!

Hench said...

Yeah, Alex H. is the one with crabs. I realize now that I should have clarified. Sorry!

I don't like being likened to deep-fried ass!

Hench said...

Oh man, now I have really confused the issue. I called Alex H. Morgan because they both have dark hair. Isn't it funny that I can keep the 37 blondes on the show straight but I think all the dark hairs are the same person. Yipes, I'm a mess. I meant Alex H. and thanks to G for setting me straight. I should be sanctioned for the improper use of the word "clarify" in my last post. Sheesh!

Leslie said...

In Jesus name, Hench - I don't know that the lord thinks good peoples watch Laguna Beach, with all the fornication and such.
God be with you child...
Bless you, Hallelujah!
- southern babtist leslie

I haven't watched Laguna Beach yet - could someone..ahem recap the premise? Brody Jenner is the guy off Princes of Malibu correct? I was also aghast at the MtV at work...the closest I get is quicktime trailers on itunes.

Is his name really Talan?