September 25, 2005

Yesterday, Bax and I went down to the Mall in DC to go to the book festival. We had been planning to go for months because three of my favorite authors were gonna be there talking and signing books. I bought a copy of my favorite book, A Prayer for Owen Meany, so I could get John Irving to sign it.

When we got to the book signing area, we saw that the longest line ever was for John Irving. Another author that I really like, Jeffrey Deaver, was signing books at the same time as John Irving, so Bax was going to stand in the Jeffrey Deaver line and get my book signed while I waited in the John Irving line. But then we heard that John Irving was only signing his new book, which is really annoying. On top of that, he had other rules, such as no personalization, no actual message, only a scribble that wasn't even really a signature. What an asshole. Seriously, that is a dick move.

I was kind of glad not to have to wait in that line anyways. Instead we got in the line for Jeffrey Deaver and he was the nicest guy! He was shaking everybody's hands and talking to them for a minute or two. He was actually a human being.

Screw John Irving.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

What a butt. Is he THAT famous that he can't take a few minutes and write something nice?
I mean he's no J.K. Rowling.