September 8, 2005


I was digitally abandoned today by a certain G, I won't hold it against you since you are working.

I was saddened.......AGAIN to find my favorite blog is closing down. My artsy fartsy weblog is leaving! The writer has to cut back expenses and unfortunately he no longer has the time or the cash to continue the site. I spend so much time being THE muse. It's depressing to loose one of mine. It's been nice to a have a cyber teacher.

Speaking of teachers, whilst looking for coupon inspiration. I stumbled upon an elementary school teacher's curriculum for her third grade class somewhere in the Syracuse region. This interested me because essentially the assignment was for the class to "deconstruct the basic design components of a coupon." This would hopefully lead to a better understanding of a graphic designers career choice. Way to go third graders. So in 13 years I gotta watch out for these kids. They'll be trying to take MY JOB.

Here's hoping someone sends me another link to new design guru :)

Quick pop quiz for you:
My 7-11 hoagie was a. dry b. expensive c. containing emu meat or d. all of the above.
The answer is...D!

Have been pondering intense life question after receiving an email of interest.
Would you be willing to leave your everday life for three months to go to a desolate location to help those in need?

I would hate to be a slave to the man, but damn cash is soo seductive.

1 comment:

Hench said...

Do you mean you got an email offering you almost $50K to "volunteer" somewhere? That sounds like a scam! If it is not, people are wasting their time in the Peace Corps.... 'm kidding...