I've never proclaimed to be a grammar wizard...English major yes, but super-stickler for proper usage I am not.
But for some reason, the new Pier 1 slogan just bugs me. Life more interesting. It doesn't make sense without a comma. As is it has a weird (dare I say it) ebonics feel to it that I'm not sure was the aim of the campaign.
Am I crazy? Or just too stupid to get it?
I could understand if there was a colon there. Like "Life: More Interesting".
Maybe? Or maybe they could ask Tank Girl (a horrible nineties movie) who gave me my favorite catch phrase which was probably stolen from an even cooler movie: "It's been swell, but the swellings gone down now."- TG
I think what it is missing is "A", as in "A life more interesting." I think they were just tryin to be cool and drop off a letter, just like people who say "I'm going to Sev" instead of 7-11 or "I'm coming with" instead of "I'm coming with you." It's lame-o....
I asked my brother a few weeks ago if he had memorized his "soash" (soc.) = social security number. After a few rounds of him saying, "my what?" and me saying your "soash" it was agreed upon that some words should be fully pronounced especially if there is enough time to argue about them. I'm lame-o.
Oh, Leslie, I am counted among those that shorten words unecessarily. I almost always feel stupid and finish the word anyway in a very awkward manner.... I also use words that I may or may not be able to spell correctly. I am lame-o, too.
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