May 2, 2005

In the hard-rock, hair-band words of Vince Neil.....I'm on my way, home sweet home!

I finally convinced Baxter (with the help of someone whose fake intials are GH)that we need to move back home.

Well, with the caveat that we would stay here while Bax gets his master's because the program is only offered here. Normally, I would just think this is a stalling measure, but he really wants the degree, and he is even studying for the GRE. Plus, he even admitted today, on his own, that this place is not the place where we can afford to live for the rest of our lives. It sucks that it will be so long before we can move back, but at least I have it to look forward to!

We have settled on Virginia Beach. Countdown to 2008.


Carol Ann said...

In the illustrious words of Mr. Burns, upon figuring out the telephone after being "abandoned" by Smithers on vacation..."SUCCESS!" This is almost as good as Bobo hot from the dryer.

Hench said...

That is the best episode ever! Remember we watched that episode before we went to see Ben Folds Five at that club in Virginia Beach? I can't remember the name of the place now.....

Carol Ann said...

The ABYSS! Remember Ben was joking on the dancing cages flanking the stage? Saying how it felt like they were in a Motley Crue video? That was so dope.

Carol Ann said...

PS. Notice how we brought the whole Vince Neil thing full circle? We are dope.

Hench said...

What would I do without your memory? It is like a steel-trap! I agree that we are dope...

Carol Ann said...

Holy crap! GH! I totally glossed over that upon first read. Just one more reason to adore...I'm gonna send him some candy. Over the INTERNET, no less!

Hench said...

GH is totally great. I couldn't believe he was on my side. And he is looking good these days!