May 5, 2005

Office Birthday Faux Pas

Whenever I see a sign, or hear of a rule espousing a restriction on a ridiculous activity, I sort of smile. Like, how on the fence of the tennis courts outside of the Fieldhouse at ODU there was a sign strictly prohibiting the use of profanity on or around the tennis courts. A sign like that begs the question; "Just who was cursing up a storm on or around the tennis courts and to what extent did they go to for a sign to be ordered?" Was it some strung-out tennis player in danger of losing a scholarship, having totally blown a match?

While I've always enjoyed this occurence, I found out today that when it comes to office politics, it can be a real pain in the balls.

I was asked to put out a memo about a birthday party we're having tommorow morning for one of my co-workers, we'll call her "Meth". I asked before sending out said memo if it was anyone elses' birthday, and was told, "No, just Meth". Voila, memo! Complete with clipart cake. Cheery, right? Morale booster? You'd think so.

After I'd actually printed out all the happy birthday cake memos and hand delivered them to everyone, I was, as my mommy likes to say, "called on the carpet". I was told to take back all the memos I'd already distributed, and to produce a new memo. Rather than go into that conversation, I'll just let you read the second memo (which came with the above pic):

To: Staff

From: Carol Ann

Re: May Birthdays

As an amendment to the previous memo about tomorrow’s birthday celebration at 10am in the conference room, I want to make it clear that the party is not just for Meth, Meth just happens to be the only person with a birthday in May. Hence, my blunder in saying the party was just for her. It is but it isn’t.

Thanks for your patience, and please come anyway!


Leslie said...

At a rec center I may or may not have worked at 1000 years ago; I would occassionally bring my laptop to work. I would only use it to draw on because we were not allowed to use the internet for anything but research purposes (broad term). I was the only person who brought a laptop to work on any occasion and was quite mortified when the company wide memo went out: Bringing Laptops, Cellphones, or other digital devices to Quack Pot Rec. Center is prohibited as it may interfere with the ability to properly care for/watch the children. First off, I only brought the laptop when there were no children there I.E. 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. Secondly, if Meth is the only person celebrating a May birthday, then it is a party for her!

Hench said...

That is just crazy, dude. Is "Meth" short for Method Man? Cause that would make this story awesome!

Carol Ann said...

Man. I wish Method Man worked here. He'd keep these trippin bitches in line for sure.