So I went through a mini depression this morning while doing my budget. Apparently I’m spending $800 a year on Mt. Dew and close to $200 on Bugles. Which I have learned are both high in sugar (MD) and extremely high in Fat (70g’s). Basically that roles out to 1k spent on fat and tooth decay. If that math is true for the entirety of my lifespan I’ve spent at least 24k on Junk food. I’m eating someone’s yearly salary.
I’ve been added to the “missing persons” list at the Y. If someone “finds me” and brings me back they will be awarded a free month of exercise. So if any of you guys want a free month (that are already members) come get me! But it won’t be easy, it’s pretty outside and I’m lazy!!
Rather than doing something to enrich my life in some manner:
I watched an entire episode of Desperate Housewives last night. It’s maybe the second one I’ve seen since the show started, so I’m really clueless as to what’s going on. Although, it’s also the first time I’ve watched ABC since the wonderful world of Disney showed Mr. Boogity so it’s a little weird to watch a show there that features boners at a put put golf course. Grays Anatomy isn’t bad either. The doctors there aren’t ER doctors. I don’t think they care about the patients (at all) as much as they care about their hair stylings. Next weeks episode is about an STD outbreak that has spread AMONGST THE DOCTORS. You won’t be seeing me at that hospital.
I'd be afraid to find out what I spend a year on Pepsi. All I know is I should probably have stock in that bitch.
Your gym hunts you down? That's both cute and annoying at the same time. If my gym called or put out an APB, I'd just ask them to come lay on my couch and tell me if THEY'D ever get up. That thing is comfy!
It is both cute and annoying.
I'm paying them to let me burn off my bugles and Mt. Dew there, they could respect my desires to remain a lazy sofa sloth during the summer couldn't they?
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