January 19, 2005

The radio station smells like a dirty sock, everyone has got the flu…

Okay, maybe it doesn’t smell like a dirty sock in here, but everyone does have the flu. Or flu-like symptoms. Am I the only person that is amused by the fact that symptoms of like 96% of conditions are described as “flu-like” symptoms? I’m not even sure why that amuses me so much. I remember once there was a meningitis scare in Wildwood, and the symptoms (besides those flu-like) were headache, tiredness, and neck-pain. That’s everyone I know. So we all had to take some Cipro.

It’s snowing here in AC and I don’t give a crap for crap. There’s just no payoff. I still have to come to work and risk breaking my neck (or another leg) trying to get into my car. It won’t accumulate enough to play in either, so I’ma just be grumpy.

I’ve been meaning to tell all of my electronic friends about Last.fm. It’s this fantastic website where you can make your own online radio station, and it’s not like those other crap-ass websites that claim you can make your own radio station by choosing genres or bands or whatever. This one you can actually pick THE songs you want to hear. Granted, I gave them a few bucks as donation so I could listen just to my songs, but it’s totally worth it. At first I thought this would be a great way for me to get back in the musical saddle the way Napster did for me so many moons ago...but for now I’m being stubborn and mostly just listening to Ben Folds Five, Blind Melon, and Lagwagon songs. Every onceinawhile it’ll throw in a song by a band it thinks I might like based on the songs I do actually like, but it doesn’t bother me. It’s way better at predicting what I might like than my TiVo, which, for some unknown reason thinks all I’d like is Spanish-language programming and cooking shows, neither of which I’ve ever watched on that TiVo. Not that I can allow TiVo recommendations anyway…I need room for my countless crapfest reality TV shows and amusing episodes of Days of Our Lives.

Which brings me to reason #5,678 that I hate George W. Bush…they’re pre-empting my only daily joy, Days of Our Lives, for his sham of a second inauguration; with the whole she-bang being a total waste of money and resources being reason #5,677.


Anonymous said...

To that compassionate schizoid cellar dwelling entity who should appreciate her brother's keychain camera:
Here's a movie my son and I made in an evening with his "toy" digital movie camera http://www.mamajama.com/blog called The Attack of the Thirty-foot Foot. Not Sundance worthy, but sometimes good things come in cheap packages ;-)

Carol Ann said...

Hello Anonymous, thanks for stopping by. As for the camera, it's fairly impossible to appreciate when even my brother admits that the camera is a total piece of crap for crap. Any picture you take with it is totally blurry and unusable for it's intended purpose. Cute foot movie, though.