January 21, 2005

Henchio, Oh Henchio...where for art thou?

I know that's a really lame title up there, but the song remains the same...WHERE'S HENCH!?!? She has fallen off the blogosphere. But then the title reminded me of that one party on 42nd street at what later became Templeton/Brendan/Tyler/John's house where Ba-Ba Gee (I think they were still Ba-Ba Gee then) played and Ian and Bax had a really immature exchange of insults ending in "-io", beginning with the always classy "faggio", and when Ian ran out of barbs said, "Back to Faggio". Freshman Friend (blech) was there and was trying to brag to them that he did all these keg stands and they just laughed at him.

Speaking of Freshman Friend, I remember the time he came over to NN8 when I wasn't there and Heather just let him in to take my surge protector (of all random things), then much later that evening Kristin was thoroughly in her cups and said "Look, Freshman Fucker, bring Mer's shit back or I'll kill you!". That kid was such a douche, but he was fun to abuse. Do you even remember his real name?

Back to present day...I know we agreed not to get political, but Howard Stern played a clip this morning that just made me feel sort of...vindicated. It was from Fox News Channel coverage of the innauguration, and the commentator was saying how fantastic everything is, then mentioned the snow in DC and how it looks pretty, even though it may have put a crimp in the festivities. Then she throws the show to Judy Bacharach from Vanity Fair magazine, who says "well, something SHOULD put a crimp in the festivities". At this point the Bushbot Fox News Commentator pretty much loses her mind and actually engages Ms. Bacharach about it, an exchange that went on for at least two minutes. Ms. Bacharach pointed out how tacky the whole show was in wartime, how that money could go to properly arm our soldiers in Iraq who are sitting ducks in their ill-equipped Hum-vees, etc. It was awesome! I absolutely couldn't believe this went to air on Fox News, but was superstoked to hear it. Even though Fox News claims to be fair & balanced (and totally aren't, see the movie Outfoxed), but unwittingly became so for a few minutes.


Hench said...

I'm here. I am working on my newest post in my head. It will be a comparison of life here in upper Virginia and glorious life in Norfolk.

I so remember that party, that was awesome. I can't remember Freshman Friend's real name, but I do remember his dumb face. And his dumb bragging. Jeez, that was the life! None of this working for a living every night and day stuff. Sigh!

This whole thing with the inauguration should maybe just be let go and moved beyond. Yes, the money was outrageous, and yes it could have been spent on the war or the Tsunami victims, but it wasn't. I heard that most of the $40 million is private money anyway, not tax dollars. A lot of money was spent on the Kerry-Edwards campaign that also could have made a difference in the war. How much was spent on the Clinton liberry? A lot of money is being spent everywhere that could go to the war. And if all else fails, try to put yourself in the position of someone whose candidate did win, and then wonder if you want to deny them their inauguration, which has been an American tradition since when, 1789? I mean FDR had his right in the middle of the Great Depression. Lincoln's second inauguration took place during the Civil War. I am sure several other presidents had their inaugurations in war time as well, like James Madison and... um.. some others. Right? Is it just because so many people hate Bush? Cause just as many voted for him and have the right to take pleasure in seeing him sworn in. Its true!

Carol Ann said...

I agree...people have just as much right to enjoy it as I have not to. That's why America is so dope!

Leslie said...

Although I'm not a Bush supporter, I understand where Hench is coming from. I probably wouldn't have anything to say if Bill was being re-inaugurated. Hell, I could have donated the money I spent on itunes last month to the Tsunami victims, but all the same I didn't.

Do I know this alleged "freshman friend"?

Carol Ann said...

You may remember him. He was a really obnoxious freshman that Hench & I stupidly befriended (before he revealed himself as a crazy whacked-out douche). I remember one night he latched himself on to me and I stopped over your apartment before going out & Nicki served us beverages; then later complained I just used her for alcohol. Weird.

Carol Ann said...

PS-S-S. My original post wasn't SO much a gauge at the president as it was at FOX news and it's Slanty McBiasness...I really don't HATE the president. I'm sure he's a nice man. I saw some footage from the innauguration day where the camera was trained on the president, first lady, and their daughter Jenna. Jenna was totally concentrating on applying her Bonne Bell Glitter-Pretty lip gloss with the precision of a heart surgeon. When the president noticed, he casually reminded her out of the side of his mouth that they're on TV and could she do that later? It was pretty amusing dad/daughter type fodder. Presidents are people too! 'Member? Like how Bill liked blow jobs?