March 29, 2007

Little Annoyances

Scarlett Johansson.

The latest on the terrible actress/kind-of-a-bimbo frontline: "I think I kind of look like a boy. I mean, not my body, obviously." -- Scarlett Johansson

Well, obviously!

Knees (and elbows).

Because I take them for granted, they love to remind me of their existence by ramming themselves into the bracket that holds my new workstation together. Eeeeouch! Also a favorite pasttime, ramming themselves into the useless keyboard tray under my desk. I can honestly say I've never used this keyboard tray thing, which sticks out about a half inch from the desk, but computer services won't get rid of it.

Sometimes my elbows get into the spirit as well, ramming themselves on the edge of my desk. But I've stopped this problem by raising my chair all the way up. This is good for my knees as it brings me ever closer to the keyboard tray.

Driving. At all. Anywhere in Northern Virginia.

Why just today, on my way to work, I had a large truck try to come in my lane when I was right beside it (I guess I was too small for him to see from Such Great Heights), a clunker almost pull out in front of me from a parking lot, a car pull out in front of me from a merge lane going, oh, I don't know, 15 MPH to my 40 MPH (silly me, doing a little thing call obeying the law and driving at the speed limit) driven by somebody on a very important cell phone call, and I encountered somebody riding on a little scooter that couldn't go faster than 35 MPH, also in a 40 MPH zone. I swear, people are out of their ever-loving minds when it comes to driving.

People who roll their eyes all the time and pretend to be so bored with life.

My new coworker excels at this. He is always pretending its the end of the world when we have a slow day (or week). As if he doesn't spend every minute loudly typing his memoirs or whatever, work or no work. He's fresh out of college, you'd think he'd be at least thankful to have a steady paycheck and health benefits.

And finally, cleaning crews that come in while you are working and insist that you hold the presses (sort of literally for us in the Publishing Business) and get out of your chair so they can clean around your workspace.

There, bitchfest over. Now I can get back to waiting for work to trickle in so I can go home sometime tonight.

You can't see me, but I'm rolling my eyes and am so bored with life.


Carol Ann said...

My desk at my new job has one of those keyboard trays, but the keyboard is actually on it, and I'm not particularly thrilled about it. As for yours...your furniture is fairly new, yes?

Would you get in trouble if your desk became accidentally broken? Cause you could use those pesky knees of yours to accidentally bang themselves into said keyboard tray.

I actually did that once for reals to my mom's old computer desk.

Though, I would only recommend if said keyboard tray is made out of light plastic or shitty fiberboard as most office furniture is made of...

Leslie said...

My chair here is made of burlap. I try to keep as still as possible to avoid causing a fire with my rear end. Once I was crawling around in the floor trying to retreive my pencil when I ran my chin over aforementioned burlap. To all those that have ever had rug burn on any one body part, your chin is by far the most painful, sensitive, and hard to conceal.

My keyboard here sits right on my desk, I guess my only grievance (supply wise) is that my boss complains that me running my mouse over my desk versus a desk pad is detrimental to mouses lifespan. I'm sure it is. But how long do they really want to keep that mouse before buying another? I'm sure whoever follows me here wouldn't mind a spanking new one versus my potato chip grease-ridden gadget.

Hench said...

Our furniture is new, yes. And they are very sensitive about it...I was sternly corrected when I referred to it as a cubicle. They are called Workstations, and I know that now.

But, I did figure out a way to turn the keyboard tray all the way around so it no longer sticks out from the desk at least. Now about that pesky bracket.......its a special kind on an adjustable arm, so that's why it was turnable.

Leslie, I wish you had tole me that you have a crappy chair. When we got all new office funiture we were allowed to take our old stuff home. My beautiful chair was only 1 year old....I could have given it to you!