March 8, 2007

An old obsession

I used to play The Sims for hours and hours. Though my present-day video-gamey sorta time is most certainly allotted to online Scrabble, I was amused by this Lily Allen video done in "Simish". I'm still on the fence about Lily Allen in general, but I appreciate this exercise.

I would play the Sims so much that I actually thought that I could understand their weird little language.

For instance, if two people were in a bathroom and one wanted to actually use the bathroom, they would very huffily say to the other, "Fla na na....toook."

And when going to work? "Sool, sool."

And my personal favorite, when you would refuse to give your Sim what they want; be it food, sleep, TV time, romance, or the aforementioned bathroom break; they would actually look up at you, the computer operator and their own personal god, and exclaim: "Ooh ooh bay! Me na la kala! Koo koo too bee!" in the most desperate voice while waving their arms feverishly.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Not sure why I never really got into the Sims. (well other than not having a computer throughout college). Felt weird about being a god over pet people. But for some reason it doesn't bother me to sing my days tasks out everymorning. "Where are my shoes, who has my shoes..skeedley do bop be do - I could use some shoes!"