March 14, 2007

OEF: M Challenge

My Carol Ann - Her shell color is purple, because most likely if I'm doing anything creative for CA she'll request that purple be a featured color. The facial expression is the face I imagine she makes when she says pff...or mer...Usually an expression of disdain when I have said something totally nonsensical or colorless. You'll notice she is wearing American Eagle boots - a constant fashion accessory throughout college that on several occassions I fancied I would steal. These boots were special in that they had fantastic rubber bottoms that were comfy as well as extremely cute. She's carrying a Timbuktu bag in brown another Gardlerian staple throughout the years.

My Hench - Hench is yellow because that's her favorite color. I imagined Hench to be squinting too, because of Lasik, however since my Hench drives alot she needs to keep one eye fully open and aware at all times. She's also saying "doooode" for all of you that can't lip read. Hench's foot attire is also a throwback to these awesome Pumas that she wore throughout school. I think they were brown or burgundy. She's carrying a cell phone because she has two, and one of them is NOT flip phone. She needs this phone to call ME when she gets to Norfolk. I put a hat on her because I always think when I see Hench she'd look cool wearing a knit hat like the coffee drinkers at Starbucks wear.

My Me: My favorite color is blue and the color reminds me of my old imac. I'm wearing one of those beanies because I'm an artist of sorts and this reminds me of those French impressionist painters. One of my hands is in a cast because I fall alot and find new ways to injure myself. My face is tired but happy and I try to show my teeth when I smile. I made my eyebrows blonde and slim because I always worry they will become so light they'll be non visible. My converse shoes are my favorite, and I try to sneak the purple ones into as many outfits as possible. I'm wearing the belt Larry got me for X-Mas because it was very expensive and I must wear it all the time because of that.

All hair choices were limited - So I just went with the closest looking style to said character.

This WAS fun.


Leslie said...

I really dig saying My Carol Ann and My Hench. LOL - It sorta implies I don't have to share.

Carol Ann said...

Huzzah! I like your me better than my me. I also like saying "My Hench" & "My Leslie" because that's the point of the challenge. These are MY versions of you guys.