December 1, 2005

Guerilla Art

So sadly I had to break up with Thigpens Artsy Fartsy blog (as my favorite education art website). Thanks to Sheiko's creative eye I'm redirecting my love to Drawn (hyperlink on the side). What caught my eye was a piece on guerilla art - this is where you do something artistic in a semi public place - it could be as simple as writing something in chalk on a sidewalk, to putting stickers on a car tire or even putting a message in a bottle. These are not my ideas ( receives that credit. But I plan on putting a few of them to good use. By no means will I do anything illegal like spray paint something - but maybe just maybe I'll put paper fins on the metro. Or maybe I'll chalk my favorite song lyrics outside tonight. I must be creative before all that is left of brain is a giant coupon. I have my assignment.
More to come tomorrow.


Carol Ann said...

Have you already forgotten our sidewalk chalk masterpieces of yore? Remember when you turned me into Grimace by the oceanography (said in my mind like LEO) building?

Templeton said...

If you like street art check Wooster Collective.