December 2, 2005

Insecurities manifested in bolds, caps, and italics

Today was a busy day. I’ll admit I did not have time for the normal witty banter that ensues day to day on the internet. So I graciously posted my away message and carried on with my workday. It was at some point today when a non familiar (immediate & OEF friends not included) internet savvy friend of old sent me a note. A quick what’s up if you will. Instantly and without thinking – why should I – it’s the internet? I respond – LOL, I’M MAD BUSY! And hit send. So what’s the problem you ask?

I FORGOT I HAD MY CAPS ON BECAUSE I WAS WORKING ON A MAP OF U.S. CAPITALS. I minimize my window and watch my icon beep while I carry on with my work load and then 20 minutes later return to find a startling pool of emailitude or I-M- itude if you will.

“Why are you yelling at me? It’s not my problem if blah, blah, blah, blah, blah – U blah blah blah…”

My deal here is instant messenger is not real talk. Why would anyone assume that you are giving attitude to them via internet when u/they both have the option not to accept the conversation. I’m not understanding why this is a place to negotiate serious matters of the heart/mind. I have trouble scolding the family pet when she throws up in the floor. I’ve only had two physical fights in my life and both involved strangers where I stepped on their shoes. No fights were of the cuss out nature. I avoid conflict like the black plague.

Instant messenger is supposed to be an information exchange. Don’t get me wrong I love it here. I feel like Neo running loose in the Matrix. Who wouldn’t want all this power at their fingertips? But, it never will it replace hearing someone snort when they laugh. Or watching them trip in a sidewalk crack, or seeing someone get smoted. Maybe that’s my opinion, but typing in caps does not mean I’m yelling. I could just mean my caps lock key was stuck.

What’s next green text means you’re horny?


Carol Ann said...

I agree. IM is not real communication, so don't panic if you think I'm dissing. Either I've become too busy, as I am AT WORK, I don't have anything valuable to say, or I just didn't notice the stupid message. It is totally not a commentary on how I feel about you as a friend or cohort.

I used to have a friend who took this business to the extreme. So extreme, that they would declare me a horrible (PSYCHOTIC) person because I made a lame joke (over IM) that totally didn't translate electronically, and they took it as a belittling of their entire way of life. This is besides the fact that this friend had half a box of wine in them. Drunk IM'ing is a whole other afterschool special blog.

But really what hits home with this blog o' yours, is that your screenshot once again reminds me how much cooler IM looks on a MAC. Makes me want to convert.

Also jealous that you got to speak to Bob Newhart. I thought he was dead? Did he give any indication as to what the afterlife is like? Do they have good sandwiches?

Kellette said...



Leslie said...
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Leslie said...

I've never had a drunken instant messenger conversation. When I'm drunk, usually logging on isn't at the forefront of my thoughts. It's usually cave-like thoughts of hungry now, have to pee, and need soft place to lay.


Caps are phunny.

(I Need a mountain dew)