December 12, 2005

Fix U

So a few months ago, me and the artsy girls were at the movies watching Harry Potter. King Kong was amongst the previews and I shared that King Kong is a love story between a woman and a gorilla. This was greeted a series of snickers, and various snorts of mock " I luv u gorilla" during the movie at at sporadic intervals. I thought for a moment maybe I had read something wrong in my critiques.

Was it just about bringing a big gorilla to NYC? No love?

Then the commercial came out and I felt vindicated. Naomi Watts + huge ape + Coldplay = ick..

"And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth"

What a weird commercial combination? It makes me wander how you can change the whole concept of film by adding a varied music score.


Carol Ann said...

You were right. Big gorilla brought to NYC, falls in love with girl, throws ultimate hissy fit when it is clear this is a love that dare not speak it's name.

Leslie said...

Gardler, Gardler -

I was totally expecting an attack on Jack Black's acting, a rant on the melodic tones of Coldplay, or a critique on Naomi Watts acting in the Ring two.

But this.

For shame. My next blog will be a Tolstoy critique. Or a review or Georgia O'Keefe.

Anonymous said...

that was way too funny girl! i think the snowcaps caused a lot of the snickering as well. :)

Leslie said...

I'm starting to like that Coldplay song. Although dating Gorillaz maybe out of the question.