November 23, 2005

Carolannarama: November 2005

Okay, here's the new concept. I've got all these random thoughts, serious issues, or just plain ridiculousness floating around in my head, as I'm sure you guys do too. Rather than bore you with an entire entry about any individual boring and/or stupid thing, I decided to make a numbered map of my little thought sprockets, or a Carolannarama, if you will. (You know, like diarama, but my name where the "diar" is. Plus, we all know my penchant for making crappy graphics. So after the overblown explanation, I present to you, "Carolannarama: November 2005". (I'll try to keep this up)

1. Lloyd Dobler. Specifically, his speech at Ione Skye's dinner table about what he wants to do with his life:
"I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that."
That's sort of how I'm feeling lately, which I'm sure is not uncommon amongst our peers, but STILL! The five-year old child that would represent my overall career-goal satisfaction has totally thrown itself on the floor, unconsolably kicking and screaming right now. I need direction!

2. I am totally tired of seeing Madonna doing the Ed Grimley dance in her leotard. Permission to go back to being 87 years old, Madge.

3. I totally quit my job at Pier 1. I lasted 18.2 hours. And the money I earned from those 18.2 hours? Totally spent it on myself. Yeah? What? I'm right here if you wanna say something.

4. The recent Laguna Beach finale prompted my high school friend Nicole to gather the gang up for a reunion of sorts (on Thanksgiving Even, no less, how ACTUALLY standard!). OEF's can more than likely expect drunken progress reports throughout the night. You've been warned.

5. Crapplebees. I understand that I'm not the first wise one to refer to Applebees as Crapplebees, but at Leslie's insistence (and graphical help, here), I will assert that I just don't like the place. It used to be acceptable after-the-mall, before-heading-back-down-the-parkway-on-the-way-home sort of grub, but somewhere around January 2000 (am guestimating) my brain threw down the gauntlet. My problem with Crapplebees is that it tries to be all things to all people. They've got Italian, Mexican, Asian, and General American foods on the menu. They're like the Walmart of casual dining establishments. Just because you can fit all that stuff in your store, don't mean I should buy it from you. Plus? There's a Chili's right across the street from the Crapplebees in my 'hood, and uh, Chili's Big Mouth Burgers always win.

Now, wasn't that fun? Your guyz's turn. And Hench, I know you're not friends with graphicsy programs, so if you wanna send me a list I'd do my best!


Hench said...

Um...hello? Um...hi? Who else would you have spent the money on?

Did you see Dane Cook on Leno last night? He is great!

Once I get over being lazy, I may do a little collage thingy as well....thanks for the offer to mediate for me and graphics...we never got along very well.

Leslie said...

Madonna's new cd is really good. If you're into that sorta thing. I've bought three tunes off itunes, and I must admit - if you're going to be a rump shaker this isn't a bad cd to start with.

However, bathing suits with leotards can NEVER ever be a good idea.