July 25, 2005

Monday Absurdity: MS Paint Edition

So over the weekend I was talking to one Ms. Leslie Paxton, and conversation drifted (as per usual) towards a mutual acquaintance of ours and this individual's tendency to self-sabotage. She totally cracked my shit up by remarking, "Yeah, she'll ride that pony right into the lava pit."

So, here we have my fantastic illustration, as I'm way too impatient to wait for the actual artist in the group (re: Leslie Paxton) to make a real picture. Plus, I'm marooned at the front desk for an hour and am trying to break myself of that nasty Snood addiction.

I move that "riding that pony into the lava pit" become the new catch phrase for self-sabotage. Like "jump the shark" is for crossing the line of watchability for a tv show. Thoughts?


Leslie said...

What a cute wide-eyed pony to destroy!
Which is oft the case with most people that find someone really sweet and naive.

Leslie said...

This picture cracks me up..
I've want a copy for my desktop!