July 11, 2005

Way Overdue Album Reviews:

Beck's Midnight Vultures

While driving back to work after lunch I heard “Mixed Bizness” and it got me dancing in my seat and embarrassingly singing the sound effects. I think everyone should have a copy of this album to pop in when you’re in the crappiest of crap moods.

The first time I listened to this disc was way back in the dreamy year of 1999, a wonderful time when my roommate went absolutely bat-shit when I asked her to do her dishes, and subsequently moved out. So I had the room to myself. Mr. Louis Ludwig was over after Harlem Rennaissance class and we were putting an $8 handle bottle of rum to bed. Somewhere between discussing the upside of communism (a frequent topic of Louis’), G.I. Joe, and the Last Poets, underneath year-round oh-so-ironic chrimmas lights, Midnight Vultures replayed itself probably three times. I’m not sure if other people would consider that good or bad, but I’m going with good…In fact, this same phenomenon has happened at other times & places…the album will play all the way through, and start again with no one noticing or fussing to get their selection in.

I’m not too smart with the musicky-type stuff, I just know what makes me smile, and this here album makes me smile.

To be honest, When I set out to write this here review, I was listening to the album in question…but being that I may or may not be at work, I was otherwise pre-occupied, and the album has now long since run it’s course when I got around to finishing this…so I stuck in another oldie-but-goodie, Lagwagon’s Hoss, and now I’m totally in the wrong frame of mind. Damn you Joey Cape, you angry but cute little man!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

If I was on a desert island that would have to be one of the cd's I'd hope I'd left in my bag.(My fav. Bec song is Jack-ass though so I'd have to burn a mix). That with Interpol, Bloc Party, and GWEN STEFANI.
and maybe some Fleetwood Mac.