November 3, 2008

My TV Saving Grace

Mitch Hedberg had a joke about eating a good food with a bad food, and when they get to your stomach the good food would cover for the bad food. If this theory were to be applied to my television-watching habits; Mad Men has a lot of 'splainin to do.
I finally got around to watching the Mad Men Season 2 (and possibly series, boo) finale last night; and the scene with Peggy & Pete (pictured here, Elisabeth Moss & Vincent Kartheiser) makes me want to cry all day it's so good.
If they cancel this, and HBO or Bravo doesn't pick it up right quick, there will be beatings. That is all.


Templeton said...

I'll join your lynch mob if Mad Men does not continue.

Leslie said...

The bad food would be HBO's True Blood. My kidneys retract a few feet everytime Bill says "Sookie"..except it's said like "Sook-kay"......blegh.

I truly truly hate faux southern accents.

Carol Ann said...

Dude---I finally watched some True Blood this weekend. I wouldn't necessarily call it bad food. Yes, the accents are bad, though.