So I like to run, it has it's advantages. But it has it's pitfalls as well. Leslie vs. the ditch, Leslie vs. the water hose, Leslie vs. the cars that run the stopsign, Leslie vs. the green snake (aiyeeee), and (my personal fav) Leslie vs. the heckling kids waiting to get on the school bus at o'dark thirty.
Whatever your outdoor adventure of choice is, you can never be sure just what's waiting for you around the corner. Soo check out this funny video. I'm just waiting to run through one of these.
I'm pretty sure that is fake. Did you see the skateboard that guy was carrying? Plus, people didn't seem as distressed as they would be if they didn't know it was coming.
Seconding the fakeness of this video. I would be fareaking out if that happened to me.
I also suspected the authencity of the video when it showed up under my search for "people falling over a garden hose". Obviously, there is no garden hose here. (I was attempting to draw someone falling over a garden hose and resorted to the internet for my visual). My own falls were always seemingly slower - as if by flailing my hands out I could stop my feet from their outright disobedience from my brain. At any rate this made me laugh, probably in the same manner that professional wrestling does.
I welcome any true submissions of human clumbsiness. Links please!
Check out youtube for bloopers....human clumsiness at its best!
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