So the other day during a particularly grouchy mood, I posted a comment on truth and how it seems to harm and not help people. Which in my experience in recent months seems to be true.
Example: Lady at job wears prom dresses to work sometimes. In my mind, I'm thinking - is that taffeta? Are those sequins? Maybe, possibly someone should say something. That's the TRUTH voice speaking. But the other voice says - this person is nice, confident, and works well. How would lowering her self esteem benefit her in anyway? How would I feel if someone felt my attire was inappropriate? (Especially given the tight parameters we are stuck in anyways.) So - no truth, no harm.
I'm not saying go out and blatantly lie - but maybe sometimes selective withholding maybe a better course of action than letting all the info out into the open all the time.
1 comment:
Somehow removing posts feels a little weird, but sometimes you see things a few days after you've post that doesn't ring true - in this case my central idea was on harmful truths not on the material which the quote came from.
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