May 23, 2007


Apparently there's a phenomenon going on out there on the interwebs called lolCats .

From what I understand they're just pictures of cats with silly or absurd captions alluding to the cats' (or other animals) intentions or desires with amusing misspellings.

Good for a larf.

I Can Has Cheezburger?

Meme Cats


(Links ganked from the Wikipedia entry on LOLcats.)


Hench said...
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Hench said...

These are great! Some of the misspellings are lame, but the pics are great! (I just misspelled misspellings at first, so maybe they aren't that lame......)

Red said...
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Carol Ann said...

Dear Red,

I removed the picture in question from my blog. I don't know how to
remove anything from an FTP server as I've never actually placed
anything on an FTP server knowingly. I apologize if using a silly
picture of a cat on my blog that has maybe a total of 9 readers has
damaged you in any way. Since you did NOT leave an email address I was unable to email you directly, thus this snotty comment in an almost year-old blog post.

Good Luck,


Red said...
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Carol Ann said...


The "snotty comment" comment was referring to myself. Sorry for my cranky tone. No, I don't know anything about FTP as blogger is kinda for dummies. There's a button to upload a picture in the editor.

Anyway, good luck!

Carol Ann

Red said...
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