January 3, 2007

He was delicious!

I know this has been posted elsewhere, but I just wanted to share this old SNL skit here with my electronic friends. It has Dana Carvey as Tom Brokaw, pre-recording possible news stories before a vacation; and here he runs the gamut of death scenarios for Former President Gerald Ford. It's morbid and probably disrespectful for me to be so amused, but I still am.

On another note, I had the President's memorial service on the tv this morning, and something struck me as funny. President George H.W. Bush (the one who got legitimately elected, natch) was speaking, and doing a fine job of eulogizing...the camera cuts to his offspring & current President who looked positively like an eight year-old, slumped down in his chair and making the "The only reason I'm sitting here so quietly is because Mom said we could get ice cream after dad got done his work thing" face.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I know from first hand experience how awkward it can be designing something Pre-mortem. Especially when said recipient is handing you your umbrella at the Christmas party.