January 20, 2006

Ok, so

I have a co-worker, well, in a different department, and he sounds just like Fez when he talks...slight lisp and everything. His name is Freddy and his last name, while not Mercury, does start with an M. So whenever he brings in work and I pick it up, I inevitably and stupidly start singing "We Will Rock You" (in my head of course, silly). How can I stop this madness?

And, if I find out where Freddy M. is from, will that solve the mystery of where Fez is from, cause, like, you know, that is the big secret on the show. Well, that, and how the show has managed to stay on the air without Topher Grace, who totally carried it. Well, he had a little help from Debra Jo Rupp...oh, what a laugh she has!


Leslie said...

Topher Grace isn't on "That 70's Show"? So who is Donna with now? What about Big Wanda? I watched sporadically while it was on Fox and now I'm hooked on FX (a.k.a syndication land). Is Ashton Kutcher still on?

Did Freddie Mercury kill himself? How did he die?

Carol Ann said...

Freddie Mercury died of AIDS. Boo. I lerved him.

Hench said...

Topher Grace left to do movies, I guess. His character is in Africa, teaching I think, maybe Peace Corps or somesuch. I think Ashton Kutcher is still on, maybe part-time. They have some dude from Mad TV and he is kind of annoying. I liked him on Mad TV, but this just isn't his thing.

Leslie said...

Sigh, sometimes a replacement can save the show But sometimes, the show just needs to end when it loses it's main characters. I remember just watching X-Files in disdain when D. Duchovny was gone. I was like it's his show!! Scully loves Mulder...not her necklace (which she was always rubbing), not aliens, but Mulder, Mulder, Mudler. Same with that 70's show.

It's about Foreman!
I'm starting to get that way about the Sopranos now.
It was such a good show and then...and wow what happened to Jamie Lynn Siegler (watch an old ep..and a new one) So dry and weightless..literally.