February 2, 2005

Weekly Grievances

Here are just a few of the things that are causing me stress this week…amongst others-

At home: I can’t seem to find my bedroom anymore. Within hours of cleaning it, the closet somehow regurgitates all of its contents on the floor. I’m expecting a portal to some alternate dimension to appear at some point under the pile. My mattress won’t stay in one spot. For weeks now, I’ve been having dreams about sliding off of the Titanic deck and awaken to find myself clinging to the edge of the aforementioned piece of furniture. My desk and laptop are pitifully cluttered with necklaces and perfumes and lotions and yes; sigh, leftover food. My feet are larger than the width of my steps.

My mom and brother speak to the voicemail as if it is an answering machine and I am sitting there refusing to answer. I don’t understand this logic on either of their behalfs, I will usually hang up on the pope if either family member beeps in.

I don’t understand the purpose of the spamblocker if it won’t protect from spam. I’m sadly disappointed in Earthlink for not protecting me from these electronic invaders. The spam is getting crafty now too. It mocks your friends email address and then you think: “Oh an email from Carol Ann,” but no it is from Carol Aun and she is sending you discounts on Viagra and such. Crafty Spam.

At work-I love designing, but spend most of the time going to battle for my degree, my life choices (yes at work) and why I like lemon yellow better than “pee” yellow.

There are ants under my keypad. At first I tried combating them with that frozen keypad cleaner, but I keep picturing them laughing at me as I turn on the air conditioner or something.

On a good note though, the smothering apple cinnamon spray was removed from the ladies restroom and replaced with baby powder. Although I’m not really sure about what message they are trying to convey.


Carol Ann said...
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Carol Ann said...

Man! I commented earlier today, but it's not showing up. Oh well...what I said was, maybe the message they're trying to convey is "If y'all stank ass bitches are gonna do is make green apple splatters like babies, we're gonna treat you like a baby. Here's some talc for your asses."