September 7, 2007

Beta Personals

Since it’s tradition to introduce new pets on OEF (and sometimes announce their passing :( - I thought I’d show off my new fish Dorian. I know it’s not a cat or a dog, but he’s energetic, always a good listener, and never wastes a bite of his crushed sea pellets. He’s low maintenance and clean, and speaks toddler very well as he always swims up to the glass when kids are smooshing their faces against his dwelling.

His best friend is P.L.P aka Plastic Lilly Pad, or Lilly for short.

His eye is always out for a compatible lady fish whose habits should include: hiding behind the cove, hiding behind the cove, and hiding behind the cove. (He’s not real good at cohabitation.)

So ladie betas, if you’re tired of the “shelf” life at Wal-mart - swing by Dorians.

J.K. :)


Hench said...

How pretty! I had many of these fish growing up because when one would die (usually less than a year from when I got him) I would get another one. They were all named Butch, for whatever reason. Cute!

Now I feel guilty for not introducing Shortie on OEF. Is it too late?

Leslie said...

Dorian is named after Dory from finding Nemo. In the interest of preserving his manhood, the name was conjunctified to Dorian. He's my 3rd Beta. The first died a horrible death - he was only mine for about 24 hours. He was in the same tank as the villainous Valentine (the second beta, I'd have for nearly 5 years). Valentine not only killed the other beta but continued to attack it's floating corpse.
(Hey -- I didn't know then that you couldn't have two together.)

Shortie was unofficially announced on myspace if I recall, but it's never too late for him to join Carmine de los Pancakes, Dorian (AKA baby Dory), Uma, Rufus, and Baby Cats (G's and L's). Oh and Lil. Can't forget Lil.
