February 2, 2006

Larry's Home!

I know he doesn't read this. He's not a blog reading (or bookmark) kind of kid. All things aside. I'm just glad my brother is home. Despite being 6ft whatever, 200+lbs, he'll always just be 12 to me.

I missed you - now come to Norfolk and help me clean up my disgusting room.


Carol Ann said...

I can't even tell you how happy I am, even though I only met Larry once, when he was 16 and we debated on whether or not he looked old enough to come to a party with us...Good for you and your family!

Leslie said...

Did we take him?
I can't remember. I do remember that visit though. He had blue hair and we went to see KORN.

Carol Ann said...

You know...I have a feeling this was the same time that I unfortunately had Freshman Friend with me and Trosclair accused me of drinking her aristocrat and running....I don't think our scheme ever panned out, but I remember Larry being very enthusiastic about the prospect...

Hench said...

Yay, Leslie! Is he home for good?

Oh, boy, freshman friend...what were we thinking?

Carol Ann said...

Freshman friend: Prime example of why you should not choose a new friend by driving by them at 35 miles an hour & based on all the information you can gather in that span of time.