February 9, 2006

Book It

So here's my pics for favorite novel intro...and my own...

From “The Cheese Monkeys” by Chip Kidd.

“So, what are you taking?”
At that point I could have said a lot of things – I could have said, “If I don’t get the classes I need after waiting five hours in this line, I am taking that clipboard out of your sausage fingered hands, breaking it into ten thick splinters, and slowly introduce each one of them beneath your cuticles as way of say Thanks for herding us like a flock of three thousand Guatemalan dirt pigs into a ventilation hall built for three hundred in order to ask us question we’ve already answered so many times our minds are jelly and our jaws squeak an act which has to be covered somewhere in the Bible as punishable by an manner we, in His righteous stead, see fit”.

From “Peter Pan” by J.M. Barrie

“All children, except one, grow up.”

From “It” by Stephen King

"The terror, which would not end for another twenty-eight years-if it ever did end-began, so far as I know or can tell, with a boat...

From “A Hasty Departure from the Script” by Leslie Paxton

“Despite having taken a series of redundant steps to avoid this conversation, Gail found herself positioned face to face with the former Prom Queen, who once stately, was now reduced to handing out cheese nips in Wal-mart.”

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