August 23, 2005

A blog before flying

I'm not even flying...just going on a mini-vacation to NYC to look at some art & shit. And also try to get stand-by tickets to Conan. And also see what all this Century 21 kerfluffle is about. I'll fill you guys in when I get back...

But, for now, since it's not a school night for me, I thought I'd leave you with something to chew on. It occured to me after last night's Laguna Beach...

What is up with white girls & extensions? Has this been going on long? Am I just an ignorant-ass thick-haired girl who's never been faced with an occasion for which I didn't have enough hair? Is Christina Aguilera to blame? Or is it the mainstreaminization of porn? Cause seriously? From the prom pictures leaked all over the web, the "new girl" Casey looks like she's heading off the the AVN awards*.

Also, after tonight's Real World, for no particular reason as I've noticed it for um, like the entire 16 season run of the show, but why can't those kids put their clothes in the fucking hamper? Or even consolidate the articles of clothing strewn about the room into, I dunno, at least a half a dozen or so piles?

I am, by no means, a neat freak. I too have problems containing my dirty laundry to the hamper. But if my shit doesn't make it in the hamper, it makes it to the vicinity of the hamper, especially if anyone other than the people I live with might see it. Like, um, eight million people a week.

I had a roommate in college who was mind-bogglingly (am making up words like a bastard this evening) messy. There was no floor on her side of the room. There was just about a foot and a half layer of clothes, books, food wrappers, dishes, and shoes in the area between her desk & bed. She seriously had to launch herself from the halfway point of the room onto either her bed or desk chair. It got to the point where, when cleaning out my pockets or a random purse I'd just chuck all my pennies over there. I hate pennies like Hench hates wet socks.

*AVN=Adult Video News. It's Like the Oscars for Porn.


Hench said...

Eww... that is that girl Casey? She is looking very fake and plastic. I think the hair extension thing is just a way to exaggerate female sexuality/characteristics, thus becoming a gay icon, similar to Marilyn Monroe.

I have an idea about the blog. I think we (and by "we" I mean "you" because you are the master of this universe)should link to previous posts when referring to something that was discussed. For example, the post about me and wet socks. You know, for the benefit of all our fans that read this blog.... just a thought!

Leslie said...

I second Hench's motion. However, I feel sad for CA b/c I don't know how to do it. Which leaves her stranded once again for being the smartest.

Carol Ann said...

I just gotta figure out how to put one of those little google boxes on the blog. You know, where you can search just through this site? I think that might solve the problem...