January 29, 2008

OEF Winter Summit 2008

I took a zillion blurry pictures at the MOMA --and restyled them a bit here because they were too neat not to post at all.

If last summer's OEF theme was relaxation (i.e. pool lounging, farmer's market visiting, beach walking). I'm dubbing this one's inspiration - across the North East in 3 days or less. It was nice when people said, "what did you do this weekend?" to say, "I went to D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, Mays Landing, and New York City - now what did you do this weekend?"

Anyways - the desire to recap in entirety has faded as it's 10 days later.
But these are my highlights.

1. Leslie went to the MoMA and found her lost inspiration. Her modern art professor would be so proud.

2. Carol Ann got a tattoo.

3. Hench faced her pickle phobia and won.

4. We learned not to put your ticket stub in your pocket at Madame Toussards, you will use it at least 4 times before getting to leave.

5. Moe's is delicious in both NoVa and Nofo.

1 comment:

Hench said...

Welcome to (the) MooooooooooMA's!

I like that picture of the three of us....I had to stare at it a while to figer out what it was!