February 5, 2007

Even dustier.....

This illo is by Matt Hammill from my favorite website Drawn!! It pretty much is how I feel about several of my drawings. Like maybe it wouldn’t be a good idea if they came to life. With their misshapen hands, unfinished feet, and general incompleteness altogether. I’ll admit it, I have completion issues - but maybe that’s a whole other blog within itself.

I am happy to have completed our new blog banner. I hope you guys like it, misshapen parts and all. But while G is futzing with html stuff (which I won’t touch out of sheer terror of destroying 4 years of blob zaniness) and helping me understand the mysteries of the Motorola Razr. I thought I’d share some of my art bloopers - that didn’t make the banner cut. It’s what I’ve been doodling around with all month rather than writing blog content.
You'll probably have to click on the picture for it to view bigger. I tried posting this thing several different ways to get it to full size, but without much luck. I usually have to blog in between work jobs so I only have about 20 minutes of "testing" before I just freak out and log off.


The top picture is one I was tinkering around with after our First OEF Summit. Hench made several attempts at befriending G’s cat Lil. (which Lil often rebuffed). I was rebuffed a few times myself.

The next pictures were attempts at drawing “Baby Hench” playing with a tin can phone (which is new theme btw). I’m plagued with distraction most of the time so I may draw a head on the 5th and then try to draw it’s body/background on the 25th with leads to a huge disparity between the way one part looks versus the other. Which is where I took issue here - adult head and not correct body ! gack......

Below that is scary me and scary Lil. It looks like we’ve both been dropped in the clothes washer and put on spin.

Finally we have G taking Uma for a walk. I remember G telling me that Uma had got excited about something and literally was dragging her about the neighborhood. I’m sure it wasn’t a fun experience, but it was funny hearing about it.


Carol Ann said...

That Matt Hammill illo is both adorable and terrifying at the same time.

I am totally into the new banner. It just looks like Hench & I are totally engrossed in whatever soliloquy you're performing via can/string phone.

For the record, no, it wasn't fun being dragged about by Umazilla.

Leslie said...

Picasa seems to have eaten my Matt Hamill illustration. Anyhoo, it's still on the drawn website. I say go there and check it out as well as all the other fabulous illustrations humans outside of OEF are working on. I've got even more failed OEF banner attempts I may post later through flickr (evil blogger photo I'll figure out ways around your rules).

Umazilla! Ha! I like "The Beastly Uma".

Carol Ann said...

Damn. I just read the scrawl next to the rejected-Uma pic. I miss those JLo sunglasses! Now I'm depressed.

Hench said...

I look awfully threatening with that string in my hands on the picture on the left.....like I want to strangle somebody!

Damn Lil and her aloofness. She is only lovey when there are no witnesses about.....