Due to the impending High School reunion & the fact that I stupidly agreed to make a slide show, I've been looking at a lot of old pictures. This one isn't from high school, so I can't include it in my slide show.
I was just bored, and haven't had a picture to upload to Flickr where I felt compelled to add notes. So here it is. Dig my Ocean Spray Wave bangs! Click on pic to be whisked away to the world of 12 year old Carol Ann.
Nice! I wonder why kids these days are so much better dressed than we were.....no fair!
Although, the hairstyles are about the same really. I still see bowls, variations of the ocean spray wave, and the woman-mullet - it's trendy now to have wop sided bangs. Hell you don't even have to comb your hair!
I used to roll-up my pants legs into cuff? Why? Idk.
Wop-sided! Ha ha!
Wop-sided? Is that some sort of slur against the Italians?
I thought wop-sided meant crooked. (At least it does in the mountains?) Not sure about Italians.
I may need to look up wop -
Covington Definition is as follows:
Wop-side - 1.adj./crooked, leaning heavily toward one side, askew 2. verb/to hit in the head - "Come here before I wop you upside your face." 3. Bangs become crooked after def. #2
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