March 26, 2006

I found an old CD-R today that had basically all my papers & homework from my last semester of college on it. In reading through them, I couldn’t shake the thought; “Goddammit, Carol Ann, you used to be smart!” I was reading through a paper I wrote for my New Media Technologies class, which was totally not a hard class at all, and I was intimidated by my own writing.

I don’t know about you guys (or any of you dear readers), but I just feel like a big dummy since college. While I am strongly inclined to blame Myspace for the deterioration of the collective intellect of our generation and the annihilation of the generation after ours, I just feel like punching myself in the face for how…stupid I’ve become. Granted, I don’t exactly have Kyle Nicholas all up in my grill every minute to hand in a paper on anything in particular, so my instrument is not as in-tune as it once was. But finding that CD really sealed my feelings about my recent life happenings…

So I got a new job, which accounts for my scarcity 'round these parts lately. As unnofficial OEF policy, I won't really go into crazy details about said new job, as I intend on keeping it, though connecting the dots shouldn't be too hard for those who'd want to. But I will say that I am still working in radio, but still not on the radio.

My old job was great, really. I had a nice little 8x8 lair with a door and a fast computer and plenty of “me” time (this blog is proof). But alas, I was not long for that place, you see, as in my interview with the general manager, when he textbookly asked “So, do you have any questions for me?” I dug around my brain for an equally textbookly answer and asked if there were any opportunities for advancement, and was met with a flat “No.”. I was unfazed due to dwindling unemployment checks and happily accepted the job. Poverty averted.

But as I was rounding out year three there, My “me” time was really stacking up, and it started to worry me. I found myself wanting to re-do old work I’d done over the previous three years. My boss was totally uninterested in my fine-tuning; even though I pointed out how much more efficient things would be with the changes I’d made. In fact, he was pretty much against it. So I , headed on “across the street”, as they say.

So this is my first real career transition, say, from being a lackey to actually needing business cards, and so far I’m not missing my “me” time; even if this blog has. It’s weird to not want to run out of the building at 5 o’clock on the dot, but I promise, I’ll try & scribble in here on a regular basis. I just might need some assignments from Professors Hench & Paxton (hint, hint)….


Carol Ann said...

PS. Hench-I think that CD-R also had a paper you wrote about "Almost Famous" on you have any recollection of that?

Hench said...

I wrote a paper about Almost Famous? I don't remember it....what class was it for, do you know? And for the love of God, please don't read it if you already feel will make you worse.

Carol Ann said...

I'm not sure what class it was for...but I think it was one of the 8 classes we took with Dr. Socha. Family Communication, maybe? Ah, remember how interesting classes seemed when reading them off in the schedule book? And then you'd get there and want to beat yourself over the head with your own desk?

That's how I felt about Family Communication.

Leslie said...

No kidding, College Leslie is like a thousand times more intelligent than alumni Leslie. But to our post collegiate defense, I think the brain keeps the relevant stuff and then throws away the crap it doesn't need. I.E. anything we learned in linguistics, and for me ALL thing mathemetical. Hey, I have a calculator, I don't need to use FOIL.

Templeton said...

I think the brain gets a lot more exercise in college. here in the real world you figure out things pretty quickly and do them over and over agian until it's a reflex.

Congratulations on your career transition. Me time i sa bad thing in your career. it means you are bored adn there really isn't enough work for you to keep busy which for me makes me anxious because I think they are going to figure it out and fire my ass and replace me with a monkey at half the salary.

b rendan said...

i like your scribblings/times new roman style.