December 21, 2004

More stuff...

I’m sorry about your fish.

Valentine, a magenta purple beta fish I’d had through the entirety of college, survived a similar fish versus floor episode, only to become paralyzed on one side. One day my mom grew tired of watching the poor fellow and cast him into the swirly deep blue ocean where several other..ahem…things are laid to rest. CA didn’t you actually fish sit for me at one point? Don’t I recall you feeding him carrot tacos and playing popular television themes so he could sleep at night?

Here’s my random stuff:
I really hate the word nurture. I don’t thing I’m capable of it, perhaps that’s where the dilemma lies. I can care for something, but nurture just sounds icky. I really like the word “zany” just because I haven’t met someone I would give that classification to and it’s hard to use in a sentence. I also like the word “somatoform.” Now this means someone who is lacking in personality who takes on traits of the people around them. This is the first psychology thing that my room-mate, Lakeisha (her alter-ego) taught me as well as M.O. meaning Mode of Operation. My M.O. is making you think this paragraph is going one way, but it’s really going someplace else.

I’m from the teen pregnancy capital of the state of Virginia (circa ’96); nothing suprises me. With that being said, I’d like to visit Montana or Arizona before I get old. Simply because my mom says they are both beautiful states. After my experience in customs, I’m rather reluctant to leave the continental U.S. heh? While traveling the U.S. I recommend “The Cheese Monkeys” by Chip Kidd. It’s pretty much what being a college art student is about. I recommend any Harry Potter book for the misanthrope 12 year old in all of us. Sigh..once a dork..always a dork!

Pencil sharpeners make me think of Art class (both High School and College). My friend Mac would draw a comic strip called “The Naked Chic” featuring this busty naked lady, doing the most mundane things without clothes: grocery shopping, skiing, playing basketball. Everyday after class when everybody would leave-I would draw clothes on her. The next day he would be left to decipher how she went from nude to wearing a 3 piece business suit. Hey, I figured she would get cold.

I can’t think of a movie better than the book. I would say Lord of the Rings but am afraid I will be beat up by wild Tolkien enthusiasts in the street. I couldn’t get through the first chapter after page after page of talk of Hobbit feet.

I’ve been listening to a lot of No Doubt/Gwen Stefani lately, I guess if I had to choose one particular song to sum things up it would be “Simple Kind of Life”. Where she says all those “simple” things are simply too complicated for her life. Sorry guys, Jimmy Eat World is as Emo as I get.


Carol Ann said...

You're right, I did fish-sit. But didn't we take a drive out to Portsmouth so Hench could do it? I distinctly remember driving over that Port Norfolk bridge or whatever it is that you can see Whitehurst from and listening to DMX's "Party Up" and you pointing out how much you liked that part of the song where he adds up all the factors (you whack, you twisted, your girl's a ho, you broke, kid ain't yours and everybody know, your old man think you stupid; you be like "so! I love my baby mother, I'll never let 'er go.) I can break it down in my business casual. Right, right.

I'm really hurt that I'm not even in the running for being described as zany.

You know, you'd better watch out for those LOTR fans. They're known to fashion swords out of wrapping paper tubes and cloaks of bedsheets. They'll cast a spell on you!

PS. I get weepy thinking of those heady days of yore when Jimmy Eat World WAS as emo as you could get. My glasses is all fogged up and shit.

Leslie said...

You are right. Hench was V's caretaker. I guess that would make you his schauffer? is that how you spell that?
Jimmy Eat World isn't Emo?
Oh snap!

Carol Ann said...

Yeah, Jimmy Eat World IS emo. They're just all MTV-friendly Top 40 emo now. I guess I should have said punk rock? I mean punk-rock to denote underground and cool, not punk-rock like mohawks and um, pierced things. I'm painting myself in a pop-culture corner. What I really mean to say is that it made me so happy back in '01 when I was in my shower getting ready to go out and I was listening to Jimmy Eat World and I realized that is was Davey of Promise Ring fame singing on "A Praise Chorus"...then when they had the MTV video, they ain't give Davey no credit. Not cool, especially since it was Davey's inclusion (and Promise Ring lyrics, mind you) that made the song so great. Why did we ever meet! Bwah!

Leslie said...

CA, they do give a shout out to Davey. It's in the song lyrics.."So come on Davey sing me something that I know.." or something to that effect. For years I've been like who the hell is "Davey?"

Carol Ann said...

I do know that they tell Davey to sing something that they know, but they didn't give him credit in the title of the video. i.e. Jimmy Eat World featuring Davey. By the by, Davey is the guy singing backup in the sang as well as the lines:

Crimson and clover
Over and over
Crimson and clover
Over and over
(Our house, in the middle of the street)
(Why did we ever meet,)
(Starring in my rock n roll fantasy)
Crimson and Clover
Over and Over
Crimson and Clover
Over and Over
(Don't don't don't let start)
(Why did we ever part,)
(Kickstart my rock n rollin heart)

The ones in italics are actually lines from Promise ring songs, so in effect, he was singing them something that they knew. And actually, two are from two of my very favorite Promise Ring songs, with contradictory themes and I love them.

I'm rambling and you're keeping me from my holiday entry!