It kind of reminded of Liz Lemon going to find her future best friend in the ladies room of Barnes & Noble. I'm all over the place today - but this is going somewhere better than the salad entries I promise!
I had two conversations with people whose opinion of me mattered, or that I thought mattered - and when I went to read my favorite blog entry (aka: Leslie's silent life counseling) I found it gone.
My wino is gone, I have to read something else and I will HAVE to make a change.
So today, while aimlessly meandering around Facebook, and trying to find my way over, under, and through these too personal conversations. I found this one.
Change is like spring cleaning. There are a lot of things that you need to throw away so that your closet is clear enough to add space for new things.
What is one thing that you have to get rid of in your life closet in order to allow for space?
Whether it's people, places, things or weight, the goal is a HAPPY you for the future
from Shaun T
(the crazy exercise man that yells at you while doing complex jumping jacks).
So I'll take this part from my departed favorite blogger -
"You are you. Glorious mother-fucking you."
and remember there are things besides weight that I need to lose.
Change is good.
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