September 9, 2009

The only sane thing to do....

after running a half marathon, is obviously to sign up for another. :)

So this past Sunday, I woke up at 4AM, rode down to VB, parked and waited in line to run 13 miles with 30,000 some other crazies. I run all the time so I was confident about conditioning. I was not quite so confident about my knees which have been known to swell and crap out in recent years. "Helloooooo Leslie welcome to 30's!" they chant. (They also conveniently forecast rain, by aching painfully and dully before the rain starts.)

The good: As I said before, I run all the time; usually with only the company of my trusty Ipod. Running with an army of other people (all ages, shapes, and sizes) is extremely motivational. Having twice that many cheering for you while you run makes you feel sorta like a rock star (a sweaty, dirty, fannypack wearing type of rockstar). Having rastafari spray you with a waterhose while singing "Jammin" and "Could You be Loved" is really cool, and having random neighborhood ladies hand you beer while running is ever coolER.

The bad:
You need to STAY hydrated and as a human; what goes in, must come out. Portable toilets are gross. Using them in general is traumatic, but trying to use them in a race AND trying to hurry - well use your imagination.

The ugly:
My knees on Sunday were the winsome knees of a 23 year old. My feet, however; are blistered, swollen, and sore. I've been crawling up and down my steps on all-fours, "Gollum" style the past three days to commute back and forth between my room and my kitchen.

Will I do it again? Yeah..I think so.


the cat is back said...

what an experience that was! it will go down in the chronicles of Leslie and Cattina!

Hench said...

Nice! Good job Leslie. I could never run a marathon. My old coworker was a marathoner, she ran the Boston marathon a couple of years ago...I'm in awe of you runner types.

Leslie said...

I can't imagine running a whole 26 mile dealy. 13 miles became a little grueling around mile 8 or 9 (which Cattina can attest to). I have a whole new respect for those people on the Biggest Loser, P.Diddy, or international runners.

I'm in awe of "Mommies". Repainting doors, blogging, running, and going to work whilst trying to maintain a tiny human. You girls are AWESOME.

Hench said...

The key is to work while the tiny human is sleeping. But you have to hurry because they can wake up at any time!!