September 30, 2009

Nothing worth having comes easy..

I went to ODU today to pay a nearly 8 y.o. parking fine. The counter lady (looked at me rather puzzled) could not even find the ticket in the system at first. With raised eyebrows - she looked and asked why now? I looked at my feet and put the words into motion that have laid dormant for the past 3 years: "I, uhm, I'm thinking of coming back to school and I can't register without my transcripts - which have this hold on them from way back when I graduated."

I'm broke, I'm a little scared - but I probably haven't smiled this big with possibility of it all in a long time. When your diploma falls off the wall and hits you in the head - you listen. Right?


Hench said...

Maybe not if it hits you in the head once, but twice? Definitely.

the cat is back said...

goin back to school??

Leslie said...

I'm looking into it now...since that "other" plan fell through. Onward & upward. We'll see ;)