May 21, 2009

Who's to Blame?

So through some weird process or another, I was alerted to the fact that someone I know (and is possibly/absolutely related to me) was "tagged" in some recent prom photos. What I found while perusing said pictures was kind of disturbing. I'm no fashion plate, admittedly quite the opposite (as evidenced by my ever-slouching dress socks). But Christ on a Cracker are these some hideous prom dresses. Every single one of them!


b rendan said...

this picture is amazing. i love the black part exspecialy.

Leslie said...

hehehehe. Prom.

Hench said...

I really like the tie-dyed one on the end. Eeesh.

Leslie said...

I move to use the phrase "christ on a cracker" at least once a day, as well as wack-a-doodle, ass suffix, mer and meh.