This blog entry gave me a much needed reality check over the summer. I remembered it's words recently when trying to restate it for Gardler
(in probably a less intelligent sounding way.) I cut to the meat of it above.
Check out the link below for the full blog. There's a billion of these graphics help sites, but I love the honesty with this one.
Creative Seeds
Yes! You saved my sanity with this. Though I took it a little bit of a different way than the article intended. I just kind of took it like "don't put the cart before the horse". It made me feel so much better. Now I just have to create my army of clay broads.
Ha! That made me giggle. Another Pony re-interpretation of something someone else
When I read this, I thought. "I'm not a web designer. I'm just an illustrator that wants to show her pictures. So before I have a website filled with pictures, I need to have an army of pictures." So I substituted clay broads for pictures.
That website also has the do's of website building, once your army of girls is ready to do battle.
It's totally not meant to poo-poo any grand ideas, it's just something I read when I need to corral my brain clutter.
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