I'm attempting to draw/write a graphic novel of my childhood exploits with when me and Larry were younger. I have lots of wacky stories with him and my mom. These are my drafts - because I drew first and wrote later. It's not fleshed out as well as I'd like - but for the purposes of showing friends what I've been up to it'll work.
I intended to show how me and Larry demolished the the front door..but it ends up just showing us fighting...Hopefully my drawing and writing will improve if I do it this way more often.
love it!!! you've always been talented in the "comic-book" style art. Can't wait to see more!
I like the way the cells are cascaded, I'm guessing this is more a blogger limitation, but I like reading them like this.
Ear pulling was always my ace in the hole with Butch. We only fought when we were in a pool, though. I think chlorine did something to our brains & made us unable to not want to destroy eachother.
Larry had some sorta on-going ear infection most of his childhood. Pulling or hitting him near the ears nearly doubled him over (Like Mary's brother in TSAM). So when I was being especially douchy I'd pull at his ears til he flipped out.
My mom should have thrown us in a pool. It probably would have turned our brains to a "mush."
Like that hulu commercial with Alec Baldwin.
Blogger fights me with sizes and layout - but I can't complain much it lets me share them. My next one I'm going to write a "script" first and then draw the panels later.
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