February 21, 2008

Worth doing..

Recently while searching for a picture of someone on the telephone I stumbled on this entry in some random “phobias” thread:

Okay, i’ve always had this ridiculous social phobia about talking on the phone. I avoid talking on the phone, and that has cost me alot of friendships and relationships. It is also probably a part of the reason why I don’t have a job right now. I could have called up many salons that were hiring and didn’t. So, I probably would have a job, money, lots of friends, and a boyfriend right now, if I would just face this fear more often. Everytime I use the phone I feel this great sense of
accomplishment, if I would just focus on that, instead of regreting something stupid I said or dwelling on a moment of silence, I think I would use the phone everyday.

So, right now I feel very accomplished, I just called a girl from school, she didn’t answer, so I left a message on her machine.

I never leave messages! To me, thats even scarier than talking on the phone. So, this probably sounds weird, but yeah considering its me, this is an accomplishment lol.

I’ll admit..while I’m not afraid of the phone per se, my telephonic communications have seriously dwindled. I find myself racing people to get to some point, any point, or just to have a point when before (what I don't know) phone conversations were random,fluid and generally..well..welcome. I’m not sure what caused the change..maybe, during my sleep, my english “plot” dynamics crept into the casual conversation section of my brain.

ATTENTION callers of Leslie - your conversation will only be acknowledged when submitted in the form of a narrative. Select callers must present series of events leading up to a climatic moment followed by a conclusion that results in a catharsis for all parties involved.
Thanks so much!
My inner child.

Now, while I doubt not using the phone often crippled this girls social life or would have changed it - ALA that Gwyneth Paltrow movie Sliding doors..i think it would be beneficial to attempt calling people more often. What could it hurt? Only celebrities make life altering decisions via text message.

I’m gonna go call some people. Who cares if they answer the phone! This chick left a voicemail and that’s a friggin big deal. At least I think it is.

Long Island..it's Leslie..are you there?


Hench said...

That picture is creepy.

Call me!


Carol Ann said...

who is Long Island? Are you calling everyone contained therein? That could take awhile. I think we've all cut back on phone time----if for no other reason than we are, indeed, grownups. We've outgrown our self-righteous assumption that others will find every thought that blows through our heads utterly fascinating. Now I've got Uma for that.

Leslie said...

A Long Island is a cocktail made with, among other ingredients, vodka, gin, tequila, and rum. A popular variation mixes equal parts vodka, gin, rum, tequila, and triple sec with 1 1/2 parts sour mix with a splash of cola. (Or if you go the NorVa..its 2/3 kerosene with a splash of orange kool-aid.)

I don't know if I'm sadder that I've stopped calling or sadder that random thoughts aren't a worthy enough reason to call someone.