February 19, 2008

OEF: The Beginnings?

We may look like an emo band here:

But we obviously started out as an angry punk band:


Carol Ann said...

Oh, jeebus...black hair! And an emerging city-state on my chin. Very Johnny Rotten in that respect. He had the bad skin, no? I like how we're in the same order. Where was this taken?

Carol Ann said...

okay---upon viewing on an actual computer, I can see that it's my bedroom. the proof is in the creased up strung out poster. so punk rock, indeed.

Anonymous said...

We sure got soft with age, huh?

Leslie said...

Oh jeebus, short hair - post zig zag even. Look at our faces!
This just goes with my theory about Korn....."I'm just not THAT angry anymore."

b rendan said...

haha, hilarious!