December 10, 2007

Another test

Also, my dog.


Leslie said...

Uma!...:) If only this picture had a haiku or something...

Hench said...

Is that poop? In front there?

Carol Ann said...

No! It's not poop! Even though it really looks like it. It's part of a tree limb that she fished out of the woods & was carrying around with her on her walk.

Leslie said...

Uma sits.
But it's not poop.
It's a tree.

Is that a haiku?

Anonymous said...

Nah, not enough syllables. But nice try though!

Uma sits on grass
That's not poop in front of her
Only a small tree branch

I think that's a haiku....

Anonymous said...

Except Uma is not sitting on grass....substitute "ground" please.

Unknown said...

uma and I walk
A branch Uma fishes out
what a crazy dog