October 23, 2006

Boiling Oil!

This news is totally ganked from Lifehacker, but it definitely merits mentioning here, and I'll tell you why.

Starting today, you can get episodes of This American Life in handy podcast form fo' free!

I've been a huge TAL fan since a hundred years ago when Temp tipped me off to it's dopeness.

Basically, for the unhip, This American Life is a radio show with a weekly theme, consisting of poetry, stories, songs, & interviews around that chosen theme. The theme could be Superman, American Soldiers in Iraq, Babysitting, whatever. Any way you cut it, you're bound to hear something totally out of your own little box and refreshing.

AND, the very first podcast available (fo' free!) happens to be my favorite of all time, "Fiasco!". Around minute 24, there's a story called "What we wanted to do" by Ron Carlson, which is a mea culpa by the guy who designed a village's ultimate defense system, which didn't exactly work out as planned. This story in particular makes me cackle every single time I hear it.

So get thee to iTunes & listen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The podcasts went online last week and is the best thing to happen to me in ages because I haven't been able to catch TAL in a long time on a regular basis. In slightly related news this Amy Sedaris interview is really damn funny.