March 13, 2006

Can't stop, won't stop.......

Myspace finally irritated me to the point where I had to step away. After the 18th bulletin about if you are my real friend you’ll repost, or the 50th 2,578 Intrusive Questions About You survey, and finally the gladiator type battles that are going down jockeying for top 8 positions; I’ve thrown up the white flag for today and led the retreat back to OEF.

I realized I had a problem when this conversation actually occurred:

Me: You know your myspace page is really bland. The only thing I can gather from this is that you are married and are 27.
Friend: Well, I mean, those are key things to know I THINK. I just wanted to be on here to be YOUR FRIEND anyways.
Me: Well, you are my friend. Now share what your favorite movies are.
Friend: You know what my favorite movies are.
Me: Comments, I want comments from you dammit!
Friend: I’m talking to you right now. There you are. I’m commenting.

Leslie Conscience: What are you talking about? That was heresy that just came out of your mouth. Go to your room, read comics and be the nice dorky girl I know you can be.

At this point I realized I’m the “bad” one in the after school (post collegiate) special playing out in front of me.

So time to return to real-life. Which thanks to an impromptu visit via good buddies CA and Henchio is looking alot better than the internet. It’s time to get back to important subjects like name melding, (ex. Mattfleck, Bennifer, Brangelina.), or why people shouldn’t kiss dogs in the mouth, or the shocking frequency of Mi Hogars in the tidewater area, or how strong Smirnoffs are while tasting really quite pleasant.

I wish I could give up the internet but like Diddy says - “I thought I told you that we won’t stop. I told you that we won’t stop eh,”


Hench said...

Those Smirnoffs were good weren't they? I got a bit tipsy fo sho.

And you forgot your magnificent name melding of...wait...did you leave that off on purpose? Well you two know what I'm referring to......and we'll keep it in the family.

Uma kissed me on the mouth twice when I took G home that night...she is very affectionate.

I wish we all still lived in Norfolk...or, erm...we all lived in the same place. Like the Bahamas or someplace.

Leslie said...

I wish we all lived in Soho with individual studio lofts in the same building. But until I open up "Destiny", I guess we'll have to settle for quarterly road trips and internet convos. If this was a movie, I think it'd be the part in the flashback where we all went our separate ways to "find ourselves" or some crap.

Kellette said...

Hey guys, I am up and running again! Enjoy, I love yours!