March 7, 2017

Leslie Journal - 3.7.2017

Hair Status: Forcefully rejecting red highlights as if they were an invading virus.

Weight: 2lbs down, but the real accomplishment here is not eating an entire bag of Tostitos Lime, despite being very aware it was in the cabinet...onward and upward

  • Look super bomb for Elaine's wedding in two weeks
  • call my Aunt who insists on telephonic communication
  • manage 3 social outings without flaking this month
  • defeat fitbit nemesis (even if it means running to Canada)
  • remain a resurgent force of light and strength despite repeated attacks by work drama llama
Anxiety Level: Somewhere between an Annie Lennox or Radiohead song..

Thoughts on duality: If you let your brain drive the car that is "you" for too long, eventually your heart will hijack the steering wheel and take over that shit (or vice versa). YOLO.